Photo: Jason Desjardins
Canada Steamship Lines’ MV Whitefish Bay has reached a historic safety milestone, achieving an unprecedented four operational years in the Great Lakes-St-Lawrence Seaway system without a single lost-time incident (LTI).
On December 10, 2017, the 34,500 DWT Trillium Class self-unloading Laker became the first in CSL’s Canadian fleet to earn a platinum SafePartners pennant. Since the vessel’s delivery and maiden voyage in 2013, not a single crew member has suffered an LTI in the line of duty.
Congratulations to the crew for this outstanding accomplishment that speaks volumes about the exceptional safety culture and leadership onboard Whitefish Bay. It also demonstrates that achieving our goal of zero harm fleet-wide is attainable when we work as a team and accept no compromises when it comes to health and safety.
Louis Martel, President and CEO of The CSL Group
Since the introduction of CSL’s homegrown SafePartners program in 2012, the safety performance of the Canada Steamship Lines fleet has improved by a remarkable 86% and transformed the safety mindset throughout the company.
Receiving the platinum pennant shows that the SafePartners Program is working to improve our safety culture. When everyone both onboard and ashore share the same goal of promoting world class safety, that’s when start seeing concrete results.
Whitefish Bay Captain Kenny Thorne
CSL places the health and safety of its crews and employees as its highest priority. Through the collaborative and inclusive SafePartners program, CSL fosters a positive safety culture with the ultimate goal of achieving zero harm.