The engineering officers on a ship are responsible for managing and maintaining the ship's mechanical, electrical, and propulsion systems. They supervise the operation, repair, and maintenance of the ship's equipment, and work closely with other departments to ensure the ship's safe and efficient operation. Officers have the necessary certifications and qualifications to occupy these positions, and are often referred to as "licensed crew".
Chief Engineer
Chief Engineer
The chief engineer is the head of the engineering department and responsible for overseeing vessel operations and managing the ship's mechanical, electrical, propulsion and other systems. They are also responsible for ensuring the safety of the crew and the environment within the department's purview, as well as managing the department's budget.

Second Engineer
Second Engineer
The second engineer reports to the chief engineer and is responsible for the everyday operation of the engine room. They also assist the chief engineer in overseeing the operation, maintenance and repair of the ship's machinery and equipment.

Third Engineer
Third Engineer
The third engineer assists the second engineer in the everyday operation of the engine room. They are also designated as an Officer of the Watch and may be responsible for monitoring the ship's machinery and equipment during their watch.

Fourth Engineer
Fourth Engineer
The fourth engineer is the most junior officer in the engineering department and has duties similar to the third engineer, including responsibility for engine room watches. They assist in the everyday operation of the engine room under the supervision of senior engineering staff.