Today, June 25th, is International Day of the Seafarer – a day on which CSL celebrates with the world the contributions of seafarers to the global economy and society, and pays special tribute to the valued role of its own crew members.
An official United Nations observance day, the International Day of the Seafarer is organized every year by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). This year, the IMO has chosen maritime education as its theme and is encouraging youth to consider a career at sea through the social media campaign #CareerAtSea.
For more information on the International Day of the Seafarer and the #CareerAtSea campaign, or to read U.N. Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon’s and others messages to seafarers, visit:
For CSL, the International Day of the Seafarer is an opportunity for us to convey our appreciation to our seafarers who, day in and day out, and in often challenging circumstances, play a vital role in our success.
The following are messages written by CSL employees and addressed to the outstanding men and women working on the CSL fleet.
I was a seafarer briefly when I was young and I remember how hard it was to be at sea away from friends and family for large stretches. The work is hard, the steel walls can be monotonous and confining, and life at sea can be dangerous. I am very thankful to all CSL crews worldwide who stand their watches and go about their duties with professionalism, integrity and most important keeping themselves and their shipmates safe. I am proud to call myself a CSLer because of all of you.
Rod Jones, President and CEO
I feel that the work of our seafarers is both important and difficult. We need to continue to improve to ensure that they are always safe, and to improve the enjoyment of life onboard as best as we can. We also need to, as a company, to continue to educate regulators, communities, and the general public on the important role that seafarers play in enabling the economy that so many of us take for granted.
Allister Paterson, President Canada Steamship Lines
I am grateful to you for all your hard work and sacrifices you have to make every day to keep the business running. Being on the frontline, you have to withstand harsh weather conditions and separation from your families. Thank you all for your invaluable contribution to CSL’s success!
Maria Yeliseyeva, Project Accountant, CSL Americas
I am thankful that the professional nature of CSL crews are looking after our interests even in the dead of night away from their families
Kirk Jones, VP, Sustainability, Government & Industry Affairs, Canada Steamship Lines
I am thankful for the tireless efforts of seafarers to do their job to their best ability. Without their effort and dedication CSL wouldn’t be the world’s best self-unloader operator. I am also thankful for the sacrifices they make to be away from their homes for weeks and months on end all the while navigating the unforgiving sea. Our seafarers have made CSL what it is today, and we couldn’t do anything without them.
Jonathan White, Technical Operations Coordinator, CSL Europe
I have been with CSL for six months only and don’t know our industry thoroughly yet. There is one thing I know for sure, however. Our fellow CSLer seafarers are at the frontline, they brave the elements – bad sea and weather, etc. They are our bread and butter; without them I wouldn’t have a job. So a big thank you to all. Be safe out there.
Manon Perreault, Administrative Assistant, The CSL Group
Everyone should recognize the sacrifices that seafarers make to perform their duties, often away from their families and in demanding environments. Not only do their courage, professionalism and tenacity form the backbone of CSL, they also enable us all to live the lives that we do.
Ron Brushett, Quality Manager, Canada Steamship Lines
Thank you for spending time away from your family in sometimes dangerous and uncomfortable conditions, to do the work you do. Every one of you plays an important and much needed role, on your vessel, in CSL and in shipping.
Deborrah Baker, Payroll Supervisor, CSL Australia
Our office plans are nothing without our seafarers to make them happen: they operate our complex vessels non-stop, in all kinds of weather, to safely deliver cargos on time.
Steve Palmer, Director & CIO, The CSL Group
Whether they are experienced or just starting out, sailors have many stories to share. Being aboard a ship for several days and often several weeks, they certainly have the opportunity to analyse and reflect on CSL practices, management and operations. Our crews are an inexhaustible source of innovation, vision and continuous improvement for the Organization to increase our performance and maintain CSL’s position as a pioneer in the field. For this reason and many others, I am proud to be part of their team.
Jean-Philippe Hunter, HR Business Partner, The CSL Group
On the Day of the Seafarer, I want to salute all of my fellow seafarers – Officers and Ratings who have dedicated themselves to a lifelong career at sea with CSL. We are grateful for the commitment and dedication of our seafaring staff. They are truly what makes CSL a niche brand and they make us proud to be CSLers, as they seamlessly deliver cargo from coast-to-coast around the world in a safe and efficient manner. It’s our seafarers that keep us afloat! Many thanks, best regards to ALL and stay safe!
Daryl Faleiro, Training Facilitator, Canada Steamship Lines
Maritime transport provides the basic infrastructure for world trade and is operated by more than a million Seafarers worldwide. We thank our seafarers for their hard work and dedication to their amazing work. We also thank them for the sacrifices they endure being away from families while working aboard ships to give a better future for their love ones. Seafarers mean a lot to me not just because my partner in life is one of them but also because they have been part of my daily life for a decade, working with them in the Industry. I praise and adore all the seafarers for their passion in the profession they chose in life.
Cathy Racaza, Crew Coordinator, CSL Australia
Our economy and lifestyle begins with the exchange of natural resources between continents. Seafarers are essential for this exchange to happen.
Natalie Heyeur, Administrative Assistant, The CSL Group